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Our Consulting Approach

The Intentional Leader Consulting

The Intentional Leader is an experiential interactive learning process that is based on the five domains. It is designed for CEO's, Executives, and Middle Managers. It is a consulting tool that can be used one on one or one to group, to help executives implement a culture change or help them become better leaders. It will involve learning experiences and is broken up into five themes; Change, Direction, Planning, Empowerment and Performance.

TILI is not just another consultant.  Rather than producing seminars or promising miracle-like solutions to company concerns, TILI specializes in transformational learning projects.

We know, through experience, that experience is, in fact, the best learning tool.  Our learning processes provide participants with practical knowledge that can be implemented for immediate effect.

We don't 'instruct and run'.  TILI facilitators are available after the experience to provide continuing direction and follow up support.

TILI fulfills the roles of investigator, advisor, and facilitator of cultural and operational change for businesses struggling with the shift from a mass-production model to today's knowledge-based model that demands more effective attention to human assets.

Cultural Transformation is necessary because the world is no longer in the Industrial Age . . . Welcome to the Knowledge Age.


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